I have done this before

I have done this before. Not the part about being a pastor during a pandemic, deciding if spiritual care justifies driving during a state of emergency, or how to encourage a congregation of 80 in gatherings of ten people or less. I have worked late into the night after kids are asleep to get houseworkContinue reading “I have done this before”

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The Other Half of Me

I have my mom’s slight frame, her sister’s smile, and her great-grandma’s eyes.  My sister’s daughter looks like me when I was her age, and my brother’s daughter looks enough like me to be my daughter. For all 49 years of my life I have seen myself as my mother’s daughter.  I’m not a prudeContinue reading “The Other Half of Me”

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What I Want for Mothers’ Day

-A letter to retailers* The 20-pound newspaper from last Sunday just landed in the recycling bin with a louder thud than I expected. The volume of ads the weekend before Mothers’ Day is second only to the stack in the Thanksgiving weekend paper.  “What mom really wants!” and “She will love you for this!” broughtContinue reading “What I Want for Mothers’ Day”

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The Gauntlet

The gauntlet begins in eleven days. By the end of June I shall be tested to the limit of my endurance, completely celebration-ed out.  From April 22 through June 19, we will celebrate my husband’s 54th birthday, Easter, our son’s 25th birthday, my mother-in-law’s 59th wedding anniversary, our 29th wedding anniversary, our daughter-in-law’s 24th birthday,Continue reading “The Gauntlet”

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Happy Apple Birthday

This morning after sleeping in on a luxurious day off, I had a late Birthday Breakfast.  Nothing special—two rice cakes with unsweetened peanut butter and an apple.  But in that ordinariness a blessing was waiting! Several days ago I left a note for our son to buy milk, eggs, and a bag of apples atContinue reading “Happy Apple Birthday”

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